lundi 27 décembre 2010

TV Market in Romania by™

Televiziunea Română ///// global television™| Division Independent Television ALEXANDRE BEAUVAIS GM ™

Obiectivul Leader | Цель лидера | Objective Leader |

The Romanian television market is highly competitive, not just in terms of the competition between broadcasters but also 

that between pay-TV operators.

Central European Media Enterprises (CME) and the Intact Media Group are two of the main players in the private TV sector. 
The Realitatea Media Group is also making its presence felt and has recently launched several thematic channels. 
On the pay-TV market, three companies are competing in practically all communications sectors: RCS-RDS, 
UPC Romania and Romtelecom, each with a variety of interests in cable, satellite, broadband and in some 

cases also telecommunications and IPTV.

Pro TV (CME) managed to increase its audience share in 2009 to 14.1% (similar to the level of 2007).

Antena 1 (Intact Media Group) also saw an increase to 11% in 2009 (up from 9.1% in 2008). 

The channel now in third place as regards audience share is the news channel Realitatea TV with 5.7% in 2009. 
This is followed by Acasa TV (also from CME) which in 2009 had a share of 5.2%. This channel targets women and
 presents mainly entertainment with drama, tele-novelas and films. Hence CME has a total market share of about 19%.

The most dramatic loss of audience share has been that of the public service broadcaster TVR1 with a share in 2009 of 5.1% 
(down from 16.7% in 2006). The share of TVR2 also declined from 5.3% to 2% between 2006 and 2009. Several other channels
have a share of around 4% of the audience: Prima TV (ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG); and Kanal D (Dogan Media Group. 

(Audience Data: Eurodata TV Worldwide / GfK Romania)

The development of access to multi-channel television, whereby at the end of 2009 more than 75% of households had cable or 

satellite television, is outlined below. Cable is the most important reception mode in Romania (over 47% of households). 

The cable network is mainly split between two operators: RCS-RDS and UPC Romania. RCS-RDS has taken over as the main player in the market 
with 1.6 million subscribers in mid 2010. In October 2010, UPC Romania had 957 000 subscribers of which about 30% had digital services. 
The third company Digital Cable Systems (DCS) had about 200 000 subscribers in mid 2010. Romtelecom has also moved into the cable sector, 

via its subsidiary NextGen, by taking over smaller operators (and claimed 160 000 subscribers in June 2010).

The satellite broadcasting market is developing rapidly with more than 32% of households subscribing to services at the end of 2009. 

There are currently five satellite platforms competing in the Romanian market. DigiTV (RCS-RDS) had 1.1 million subscribers in 2009 
in Romania (the service also operates in Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Serbia and Slovakia). Dolce (Romtelecom) had over 
880 000 subscribers in December 2009. The other three packages are: Akta TV (owned by DCS) with 80 000 subscribers in August 2010; 

Boom TV (DTH Television Group) with about 130 000 subscribers; and FocusSat (UPC), which had more than 187 400 subscribers in June 2010.

The launch of DTT services in Romania has undergone some turmoil in 2010. In July 2009, the Romanian government published its plan for the

digital switchover, and establishing that there would be 6 national DTT multiplexes and 1 regional. In August 2009, the two main channels of the
public service broadcaster - TVR1 and TVR2 - were granted DTT licenses. In July 2010, the regulatory authority ANCOM, launched tenders for the 
first two multiplexes. Later in July ANCOM announced that a third Multiplex would be granted without a tender to Radiocom (National Radiocom-
munications Company). This move was blocked by the National Audiovisual Council (CNA). In August the Romanian government announced its 
intention to delay analogue switch-off until 2015, and soon afterwards cancelled the DTT tender. The Ministry for communications began drafting 
a new digital strategy in October 2010. According to IRIS Merlin reports the decision was explained as being necessary as citizens would not be able
to buy the equipment during the economic crisis. At the same time, it is alleged that the decision was taken in order to find a solution to offer one of 

the licenses to Radiocom, without breaching EU legislation.

In 2006, the first IPTV platform, Ines, was launched by the Ines group. In 2010, there were four IPTV offers. The major players are also taking note of

this new distribution market. Romtelecom launched an IPTV package in mid 2009 (and claimed 12 500 subscribers by August 2010). The Airbites 

company providing an IPTV service was taken over by RCS-RDS in February 2010.

With the arrival in 2007 of LIBERTATE TV ™ and NOMINOR CHANNEL ™, ALEXANDRE BEAUVAIS GM ™ become the minnows rising.

If in December 2010 Channels Television ALEXANDRE BEAUVAIS GM ™ represents only 2.7% of the hearing, the future looks bright 

(in 2007 they represented only 0.3% market share).

With its investment ALEXANDRE BEAUVAIS GM ™, could become a future market leaders, with the massive weapon,
the arrival of CELE GLOBAL MEDIA ™, 

its consolidation of its channels and its development of digital terrestrial.

Internationally these TV channels Romanian ALEXANDRE BEAUVAIS GM ™ that take the lead with 39% market share (in December 2010 ).

This description was last updated in October 2010. All other data in MAVISE is updated on a continuous basis.

Population and household equipment (2009)

Number of (Th.) Rate of penetration (% HH)
Population 21 462 -
Households 7 396 -

TV Households 7 100 96
Households with DTT receivers 10 0,1
Total digital TV households 2 698 36,5

Channels available in the country
List of competing television stations ALEXANDRE BEAUVAIS GM ™ | PDF in 2009 |

TV Market in Romania by The Global Media™

The Global Media

The Global Media Televiziunea Română ///// global television™| Division Independent Television ALEXANDRE BEAUVAIS GM ™

Obiectivul Leader | Цель лидера | Objective Leader |
The Romanian television market is highly competitive, not just in terms of the competition between broadcasters but also that between pay-TV operators. Central European Media Enterprises (CME) and the Intact Media Group are two of the main players in the private TV sector. The Realitatea Media Group

televiziunea digitala terestra™ | abgm tdt™

televiziunea digitala terestra™ | abgm tdt™

As of April 24th, 09:00 GMT +2 enriched our offer digital terrestrial - and expands with new channels already available on our offer digital satellite TV & Internet TV.

По состоянию на 24 апреля, 09:00 GMT +2 обогатили наше предложение цифрового наземного - и расширяет новые каналы уже доступны на наше предложение цифровое спутниковое телевидение и Интернет ТВ

Ca de 24/04, 09:00 GMT +2 îmbogăţit oferta noastră digitală terestră - şi extinde cu noi canale deja disponibila in oferta noastra televiziune digitală prin satelit si Internet TV

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Televiziunea digitală terestră (sau DVB-T de la englezescul Digital Video Broadcasting – Terrestrial) este un sistem de transmisietv care foloseşte normele DVB-T, ISDB şi ATSC în benzile de unde VHF-III / UHF-V deja utilizate la transmisiile terestre analogice.
Digitalizarea difuzării are mai multe avantaje: un numar sporit de canale tv pe aceeaşi frecvenţă, o imagine de o calitate remarcabilă, un sunet de înaltă fidelitate (Dolby, 5.1, imagine 16/9, etc), servicii auxiliare.
Cum funcţionează?

Procedeul este simplu: semnalul analogic al unui canal este digitalizat (numerizat), compresat (micşorat) şi multiplexat (amestecat) cu alte canaleSemnalul astfel obţinut este transmis de aceeaşi manieră ca şi în televiziunea analogică până la telespectator; acesta, cu ajutorul unui tuner (selector de canale) digital, integrat deja televizoarelor moderne sau extern în cazul celor mai vechi, separă semnalele canalelor multiplexate şi le receptionează pe fiecare în parte.
Televiziunea Digitală Terestră permite de asemenea transmisia programelor de înalta definiţie în formate multiple (16/9, etc).
Tehnologia utilizată în SUA se cheamă ATSC, în Japonia ISDB-T, iar în Europa şi Australia DVB-T; restul ţărilor sunt în acest moment indecise. ISDB-T este similară DVB-T şi poate utiliza câteodată aceleaşi receptoare.

DVB-T este sistemul european. Semnalul este difuzat în VHF şi/sau UHF. Numarul de canale ce poate fi transmis este în funcţie de metoda de modulare folosită (între 4 şi 6). Modularea semnalului în DVB-T este COFDM (64 sau 16 Quadrature Amplitude ModulationQAM).


ATSC: Americanii au adoptat standardul ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee) - modulare 8VSB, cu o lărgime de bandă foarte importantă. Acest standard are o rezistenţă mare la interferenţe dar exclude din start utilizarea unei retele bazate pe o singura frecvenţă în toată ţara. (SUA nici măcar nu-şi pun această problemă faţă de penuria de frecvenţe din Europa)
Atât DVB-T cât şi ATSC folosesc compresia MPEG-2. Ele se deosebesc însă prin codarea serviciilor oferite (multicanal audio, înregistrare, ghid de programe).
ATSC a fost adoptat de către SUA, Canada, Mexic, Corea de Sud iar alte state îl studiază cu atenţie. Permite ca şi DVB-T-ul difuzarea programelor în format 16:9 cu o rezolutie 1920×1080 pixeli.
ATSC permite un sunet Dolby Digital (AC-3) "5.1" surround home-cinema (home-theater) etc. Alte aspecte: sistemul poate suporta formatul video PAL/SECAM/NTSC 625/525 - 24/50/ 60 imagini pe secundă.
ISDB-T: Japonia a pus la punct sistemul ISDB (Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting) bazat de asemenea pe compresia audio/video MPEG-2 şi capabil să ofere înaltă definiţie imaginii (HDTV). ISDB este un acronim cvasi-similar celui din telefonia digitala - ISDN, el permitând ca şi în cazul ISDN-ului un multiplexaj de canale. Semnalul este difuzat în VHF şi/sau UHF utilizând COFDM cu PSK/QAM.


Făcând o comparaţie între cele trei standarde observăm că bazele lor sunt comune.
Diferenţele constau în utilizarea spectrului electromagnetic (de la o ergonomie bine gandita in cazul DVB-T la o "risipa de lux" in cazul ATSC).
ATSC permite exclusiv rezolutia maximă 1920/1080 pe când DVB-T permite rezoluţia de baza 720/1080 cât şi cea maximă în acest moment 1920/1080. Este finalmente o chestiune comercială, ca şi în cazul DVD-urilor zonate ce un pot fi "citite" pe orice player - Zona 1 America, Zona 2 Europa etc.
Standardul japonez ISDB-T oferă o multitudine de servicii în plus în funcţie de cantitatea de date transmisă. Cu cât sunt difuzate mai multe canale cu atât cantitatea de servicii scade şi vice-versa. ISDB-T permite SFN (Single frequency Network – Retea Bazata pe Isofrecventa) dar şi clasica reţea formata din mai multe frecvenţe.

De la analogic la digital

UE cere ţărilor europene ca oprirea analogicului să se faca în 2012. Prima ţară care a sistat integral emisia analogică este Olanda, la finele lunii noiembrie 2006.
În România două multiplexuri cu câte 7 canale fiecare(*), difuzate în mpeg 2, urmează să fie puse în funcţiune de către un operator unic.

(*)Off TV grupului şi societăţilor sale articulaţii.   cincisprezece canale digitale terestra(**), 
cincisprezece canale de televiziune
(b) TDT™ |"încărcate" este disponibil pe , timp de 10 € pe lună.
(**)disponibile în digitale terestra din România şi Republica Moldova.

(***) Regionale de televiziune reţea. 
staţii de difuzare posturilor de televiziune în zonele administrative.